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- First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday and Teaser T...
- Review: How to play guitar: A complete guide for a...
- Sunday Post #6 February 23rd Sharing my blog news
- Review: Red by Khalid Patel
- Book Blogger Hop February 21st - 27th
- Review: American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
- Review: Christine by Stephen King and how I first ...
- First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro and Te...
- Review:Blogging for Beginners: Complete Guide to g...
- Sunday Post #5 February 16 Sharing Blog News and B...
- Richard and Judy Book Club
- Review: The Corporeal Pull by Sara B Gauldin
- Book Blogger Hop 14 February - 20 February
- Review: Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
- Review: The Bachman Books by Stephen King
- First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro and Te...
- Review: Secrets of Quick Decluttering, Selling and...
- Sunday Post #4 February 9th Sharing blog news and ...
- Thoughts on Libraries
- Review: As Meat Loves Salt by Maria McCann
- Book Blogger Hop #4
- Review: Desperation by Stephen King
- Review: Pelican Bay by Jesse Giles Christiansen
- Review: Sara Payne - A mother's story by Sara Payne
- First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday intro / Teas...
- Review: Can you keep a secret? by Sophie Kinsella
- Review: Newbooks Magazine Issue 79 January/Februar...
- Sunday Post #3 February 2nd and a little resume of...
- Review: Sickened by Julie Gregory
My Blog List
Sunday Post #5612 weeks ago
Chris Mccandless Essay2 years ago
How Does Air Conditioning Work?3 years ago
We're EIGHT Today! Woo!5 years ago
Kill Code Cover Reveal6 years ago
Top Ten Tuesday #1037 years ago
Comic Adventures Issue #567 years ago
The DNF List – February 20177 years ago
Review: Fire in You by J. Lynn8 years ago
Review: Stolen by Lucy Christopher9 years ago
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Peggy Farooqi is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk.
23 February 2014
This is is Meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer and here are the rules.
It is your chance to re-cap your bookish week, what did your review last week, any new purchases, what will be coming up in your blog next week or generally anything you feel you would like to share with the blogging community.
So, What did I do last week?
February is almost over, can you believe it? This week, the children were on half-term holiday here, but luckily my children are now old enough so they don't need a childminder. Only my daughter still goes to senior school, my middle son is in college (he wants to become a civil engineer), and the eldest son is working in retail at the moment. He has applied to join the Royal Air Force and we are currently awaiting his interview.
I'm still, as ever, very busy at work. Oh, how I wish I had more time for my books. I did not get any books this week because I really wish to get ahead with some of the books, especially the review ones which I received from Twitter and via the blog. I don't apply for ARC yet, and didn't even look for free books… But I keep looking lovingly at my books from the book club, taking them out one by one and putting them back in the box. :)
My Blog last week:
- Review: Blogging for Beginners: Complete Guide For Getting Started With Your Blog by Susan Beth
- First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro and Tuesday Teaser: Red by Khalid Patel
- Review: Christine by Stephen King and also a quick note from me on how I read my first Stephen King and due to him, didn't see any of Europe on my first coach trip abroad and even found a husband in the process :)
- Review: American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
- Book Blogger Hop
- Review: Red by Khalid Patel
I finished reading:
Loving Heather by Alex Carlisle (a YA book about the trials of teenagers first going to Uni and finding love)
I started reading:
How To Knock A Bravebird From Her Perch by D.Bryant Simmons (a novel about domestic abuse and a woman's bravery)
(received for review from the author)
This is what I'm planning for my blog next week:
Review: How to play guitar: A complete guide for absolute Beginners Level 1 by Pen Parker
This review will be written by my daughter Ruby Farooqi
First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro hosted by Bibliophile by the Sea And Tuesday Teaser hosted by Should Be Reading: my choice of book is Loving Heather by Alex Carlisle
Review: 11.22.63 by Stephen King
Review: The Beach by Alex Garland
Book Blooger Hop hosted by Coffee addicted writer
The Friday 56 hosted by Freda's voice
This will mark my 2-months blogiversary - and I would like to look back on the past 2 months: my favourite posts, how do I get along now, is it as I expected, what did I learn, anything surprising and what are my plans for the future and has this changes since the beginning.
Have a great week everyone and Happy Reading!
Sunday Post Meme