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Peggy Farooqi is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk.
1 February 2014
| Julie Gregory |
| Book Club Associates |
Publication Date
| 244 |
| memoir, abuse, psychology |
from the blurp:
A young girl is perched on the cold chrome of yet another doctor's examination table, missing yet another day of school. Just twelve, she's tall, skinny and weak. Her mother, on the other hand, seems curiously excited. She's about to suggest open heart surgery on her child to 'get to the bottom of this'. She checks her teeth for lipstick and, as the doctor enters, shoots the girl a warning glance. This child will not ruin her plans. From early childhood, Julie Gregory was continually X-rated, medicated and operated on in the vain pursuit of an illness that was created in her mother's mind: Munchausen by Proxy, the world's most hidden and dangerous form of childhood abuse. Sickened is her story,
I don't usually read books from this genre, but it was offered as a freebie from a book club, and I will usually always give every book a go, as I like to experience different genres and also ' like to give a chance' to books which I would not normally pick up.
The book was very well written, engaging and easy to get into, and I can only comment Gregory for her bravery to tell her story. The book certainly tries to keep away from harsh/ OTT judgements and let you make your own mind up which I found quite refreshing for this genre. If you want to get an inside into this condition, than I would certainly recommend reading this book.
I couldn't help but think that the book read like ghostwritten. You know the type of stories I mean: where the ghostwriter says: Ok, tell me everything about you and I'm going to put it in an accessible story. I know the book is not ghostwritten, and I think this may be inadvertendly a strategy of Gregory to cope with telling her story and detach herself from the horrors she has experienced?