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Blog Archive
- Review: 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die by...
- Review: Celebr8 Success by Gill Donnell MBE
- Sunday Post #10 30th March
- What type of reader are you?
- Review: Book of the Dead by Patricia Cornwell
- Feature & Follow Blog Hop #4 28th March
- Review: Insomnia by Stephen King
- First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro and Tu...
- Review: Opening the Book by Rachel Van Riel & Oliv...
- Review: Journey into the Mystic by Jesse Giles Chr...
- Sunday Post #9 March 23rd
- Which of these 100 books did you read?
- Feature & Follow #3 21st of March
- Review: Trace by Patricia Cornwell
- Thoughtful Thursday #1
- Review: Four Past Midnight by Stephen King
- What's wrong with GFC??
- First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro and Tu...
- Review: Stasiland by Anna Funder
- Review: Sex in the Title by Zack Love
- Sunday Post #8 16th March
- Review of Newbooks Magazine #80 March/April 2014
- Review: Brick Lane by Monica Ali
- Feature & Follow #2 14th March
- Review: Firestarter by Stephen King
- First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro and Te...
- My Liebster Award
- Review: Reading People by Jo-Ellan Dimitrius (non-...
- Review: How To Knock A Bravebird From Her Perch by...
- Sunday Post #8 09th March
- Movies I didn't know were books in the first place
- Review: The Bone Collector by Jeffery Deaver
- Feature & Follow #1 07 March
- Review: The Girl who loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King
- 40% of children don't know Harry Potter was origin...
- Review: The 2 Day Diet by Dr Michelle Harvie and P...
- Review: Loving Heather by Alex Carlisle
- First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro and Te...
- Review: The Beach by Alex Garland
- Sunday Post #7 March - sharing my blog news and bo...
- Review: 11.22.63 by Stephen King
My Blog List
Sunday Post #5612 weeks ago
Chris Mccandless Essay2 years ago
How Does Air Conditioning Work?3 years ago
We're EIGHT Today! Woo!5 years ago
Kill Code Cover Reveal6 years ago
Top Ten Tuesday #1037 years ago
Comic Adventures Issue #567 years ago
The DNF List – February 20177 years ago
Review: Fire in You by J. Lynn8 years ago
Review: Stolen by Lucy Christopher9 years ago
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Peggy Farooqi is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk.
10 March 2014
The Lovely Jess @ Jess Time To Read has nominated me for the Liebster Award.
This award is presented to blogs that are just beginning and / or to show them recognition.
Here are the rules:
- List 11 facts about yourself.
- Answer the 11 questions from the person who nominated you.
- Nominate 9 new bloggers and have a set of 11 new questions for them.
- They have to have less than 200 followers.
- Go to their blog and let them know they have been nominated
So, there we go:
11 Facts about myself
- You do not want to meet me professionally. Never. Ever. I work in a morgue.
- My children call me Crazy Cat Lady, but I only have 5 cats (does that qualify?)
- I don't like very crowded places and for that reason cannot go to concerts / football stadiums etc.
- My favourite food-ish flavour is lemon.
- I also love needle crafts (cross stitch, knitting) but have pretty much given up - no time!
- My mother tongue is German.
- I married my husband 10 weeks after first setting eyes on him.
- My favourite vacation location is beach/ sunshine.
- I am a morning person.
- I was in Berlin the night the Berlin Wall came down and I was fast asleep throughout it! yes, true!
- I don't really like sports (neither watching nor doing it).
Well, that were a bit of completely random facts about me :)
11 questions from Jess to me:
1. Who would be the one author you would love to have lunch with?
No doubt, that would be Stephen King, though I probably wouldn't be able to say anything, would be too star-struck.
2. What is the saddest book you have read?
3. What do you enjoy best about blogging?
'Meeting' all the people (other bloggers and authors / publishers I can share my love of reading and good stories with
4. If you could have a super power, what would it be?
Make myself invisible. Oh, the possibilities.
5. If you were stranded on an island and could take three items with you, what would those items be?
My Kindle - it did survive in the sea ..and charge lasts about 1 week right?
Sunscreen for the skin
Big jar of coffee
6. What is your favourite hobby?
Reading - 100%
7. What is your favourite all time movie?
Stand by me
8. If you could be part of a story, what one would you choose?
The Beach (wouldn't mind Leonardo DiCaprio in it :)
9. Where is your favourite place to read?
In my back yard, on the porch
10. What is your favourite kind of animal?
Cats (domestic type)
11. What is your favourite series?
Friends (yes I know it's kind of old now, but still the best for me)
My 11 questions to the 9 bloggers:
- On an average week day, are you at college / at work / at home?
- Do you have a favourite book genre and what is it?
- Is there a genre you don't like or would you give anything a go?
- As you read books for review, do you take notes during reading?
- Do you have any system to keep track of books received / bought / for review etc (I use an excel sheet)
- Anything you wish you'd know about blogging when you started?
- How many books do you read on average per week?
- When you look out of your window now, describe what you see.
- In a shopping mall, what would be your favourite type of shop?
- Name your favourite meal/ dish / food
- Hardback / Paperback / Ebook?
And here are my nominated 9 bloggers
Liebster Award