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Blog Archive
- Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by...
- Review: Silk Road Vegetarian by Dahlia Abraham Kle...
- Sunday Post #22 29 June
- The Coroner's Officer #4
- Review: The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffene...
- Review: From a Buick 8 by Stephen King
- First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro and Te...
- Review: The New Cross Stitcher's Bible by Jane Gre...
- Review: The House of Kingsley Merrick by Deborah H...
- Sunday Post #21 22nd June
- The Coroner's Officer #3
- Review: The Stand by Stephen King
- Top Ten Tuesday #3 17 June
- Review: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone b...
- Review: Stitch 'n Bitch Nation by Debbie Stoller (...
- Sunday Post #20 15 June 2014
- The Coroner's Officer #2
- Feature & Follow #12
- Review: Atonement by Ian McEwan
- Review: Thinner by Richard Bachman (Stephen King)
- Top Ten Tuesday #2 10 June
- Review: This is the House by Deborah Hill (Kingsla...
- Review: German Complete Revision Guide - BBC GCSE ...
- Sunday Post #19 8th June 2014
- The Coroner's Officer
- Feature and Follow - I am being featured !!
- Review: The Reader by Bernhard Schlink
- Review: The Body by Stephen King
- First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro and Te...
- Review: Beginners Urdu Script by Richard Delacy (n...
- Review: This changes my family and my life forever...
- Sunday Post #18 1st June
My Blog List
Sunday Post #5612 weeks ago
Chris Mccandless Essay2 years ago
How Does Air Conditioning Work?3 years ago
We're EIGHT Today! Woo!5 years ago
Kill Code Cover Reveal6 years ago
Top Ten Tuesday #1037 years ago
Comic Adventures Issue #567 years ago
The DNF List – February 20177 years ago
Review: Fire in You by J. Lynn8 years ago
Review: Stolen by Lucy Christopher9 years ago
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Peggy Farooqi is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk.
15 June 2014
This is is Meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer and here are the rules.
It is your chance to re-cap your bookish week, what did your review last week, any new purchases, what will be coming up in your blog next week or generally anything you feel you would like to share with the blogging community.
So, what did I do last week?
I very nearly had a bad disaster on Friday… I left my Kindle on the train on my way back home! I was so upset and angry with myself, and no matter how much poor hubby said: it doesn't matter, it's replaceable etc. I was seriously thinking what to do in regards to reviews, because the vast majority of my review books are all on the Kindle. Ok, I can still read on my laptop, but I don't take the laptop to work and well, it's just awkward to handle for .
But there is a good ending to this story! The next morning I went back to the railway station to ask (didn't give much hope to it, but thought, hey, you've got nothing to lose….) and it was there! Someone handed it in. I was lucky, that's what the guys from the train company said as well, because the train I had left it in had terminated at my stop, and the cleaner has most likely found it. Phew, I was so relieved. How silly of me, I've never even in all my years of rail travel and commuting left a paperback on the train.
And - The Football World Cup has started. I don't usually watch football, and neither does my husband - don't understand the different leagues and cups, but we like the World Cup for it's celebration of different countries, cultures, the colourful fans.
Also - it's Father's Day here in the UK today (not sure about anywhere else in the World? I know it's not in Germany where my dad lives). I saw this quote from Mark Twain on the Penguin FB page today and had to smile:
New: The Coroner's Officer
Busy week, as always. One of the cases I dealt with was a road traffic collision. The unusual thing about it was that a nurse who came across the accident gave first aid and sustained a needle stick injury. Her doctor than contacted us to see if we can do HIV / infectious disease testing on the deceased person. While I have all the sympathy for the unfortunate nurse, we are not allowed to do any testing on the body other then required to establish the cause of death, so we had to say no to her.
On the blog last week
- German Complete Revision Guide by Rachel Aukett (non-fiction)
- This is the House by Deborah Hill (Kingsland Book 1)
- Thinner by Richard Bachman aka Stephen King
- Atonement by Ian McEwan
Features / Memes
- Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 Books I've read so far this year
- Feature & Follow: Armchair Travel - tell us your fav book in a setting you would like to visit
- The Coroner's Officer #2 - what kind of deaths are reported to the Coroner?
Finish / Start
This is the House by Deborah Hill (Kingsland Book 1)
The House of Kingsley Merrick by Deborah Hill (Kingsland Book 2)
Around the Blogosphere / Bookish News
- George RR Martin leads Edinburgh International Book Festival
- Just for Fun: Quiz - Can you identify these famous books by their covers? (I struggled more than I thought I would )
- Kimberlyfaye Reads blogoversary and Giveaway
- Jenna @ Rather be Reading YA has a discussion on Reading Comfort Zones
- Anna @ Buried under Romance has a discussion on book covers
- Ashley @ Nose Graze : How well do you market your blog?
Added to my stash
Didn't get any books (yes, you did read correctly!) I got offered a few blog tours, but just can't commit as I know I've to lots of review books to read and I don't want to overwhelm myself. It is so hard to say NO though :(
This is what I'm planning next week for my blog
Stitch and Bitch Nation by Debbie Stoller (non-fiction)
Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone by JK Rowling
(or is there any point in reviewing one of the most well known books in the world?)
Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish: Top Ten Books on my Summer TBR list
The Coroner's Officer: Who can report a death to the Coroner?
Sunday Post Meme