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Blog Archive
- Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by...
- Review: Silk Road Vegetarian by Dahlia Abraham Kle...
- Sunday Post #22 29 June
- The Coroner's Officer #4
- Review: The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffene...
- Review: From a Buick 8 by Stephen King
- First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro and Te...
- Review: The New Cross Stitcher's Bible by Jane Gre...
- Review: The House of Kingsley Merrick by Deborah H...
- Sunday Post #21 22nd June
- The Coroner's Officer #3
- Review: The Stand by Stephen King
- Top Ten Tuesday #3 17 June
- Review: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone b...
- Review: Stitch 'n Bitch Nation by Debbie Stoller (...
- Sunday Post #20 15 June 2014
- The Coroner's Officer #2
- Feature & Follow #12
- Review: Atonement by Ian McEwan
- Review: Thinner by Richard Bachman (Stephen King)
- Top Ten Tuesday #2 10 June
- Review: This is the House by Deborah Hill (Kingsla...
- Review: German Complete Revision Guide - BBC GCSE ...
- Sunday Post #19 8th June 2014
- The Coroner's Officer
- Feature and Follow - I am being featured !!
- Review: The Reader by Bernhard Schlink
- Review: The Body by Stephen King
- First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro and Te...
- Review: Beginners Urdu Script by Richard Delacy (n...
- Review: This changes my family and my life forever...
- Sunday Post #18 1st June
My Blog List
Sunday Post #5612 weeks ago
Chris Mccandless Essay2 years ago
How Does Air Conditioning Work?3 years ago
We're EIGHT Today! Woo!5 years ago
Kill Code Cover Reveal6 years ago
Top Ten Tuesday #1037 years ago
Comic Adventures Issue #567 years ago
The DNF List – February 20177 years ago
Review: Fire in You by J. Lynn8 years ago
Review: Stolen by Lucy Christopher9 years ago
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Peggy Farooqi is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk.
8 June 2014
This is is Meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer and here are the rules.
It is your chance to re-cap your bookish week, what did your review last week, any new purchases, what will be coming up in your blog next week or generally anything you feel you would like to share with the blogging community.
So, what did I do last week?
Not a lot going on actually. It's getting warmer here, even though we still have a lot of rain. I'm not going very well with the gardening I have to say… snails eating all my plants and I've got a bit of a phobia about them and can't pick them yuck. Children are back in school now here in England and will have to keep going until mid July. My eldest (he is 20) now works full time and he was moaning about his 12 hour shifts (he works in a luxury department store). Ha ha, I just wish to say to him 'welcome to life'.
Found on the Internet:
New feature: The Coroner's Officer
As promised, I've got a new feature on my blog to talk a little bit about my job as a Coroner's Officer every week - here is my post this week - mainly to give a advice to writers on the subject. This week was, as always very busy in the office and in court. On Friday we had a high profile case in our court which attracted a lot of media attention here in the UK. A premature baby had died in hospital as it had been received contaminated feeding (the manufacturer of the feed is investigation how it got contaminated). Though the baby was premature and as such very susceptible to catching infections, this is of course not regarded as a natural cause of death. It is hard for the parents, as apart from the absolute heartache of losing a child, they have to cope with the media (The Coroner's Court is an open court and media can attend - tough not film in court.)
On the blog last week
- This Changes my family and my life forever by Sally Ember (The Spanners Vol II)
- Beginner's Urdu Script by Richard Delacy (non-fiction)
- The Body by Stephen King
- The Reader by Bernhard Schlink
Features / Memes:
- First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro and Teaser Tuesdays: This is the House by Deborah Hill (Kingsland Book 1)
- Feature & Follow - tell us about your other hobbies, TV shows, food you like etc ……and……I was being featured!!! So happy, thanks everyone and I'm still catching up with replying to all of you great people.
Finish / Start
Reading-wise, not a very productive week. I'm still reading the same book I started last weekend (This is the House by Deborah Hill), a historical romance book. Love the book, but I think one of the issues this week was that I took the car to work a few times (not the train as I usually would) and that cuts down my reading-time dramatically. This is book 1 of The Kingsland Series, and I've got book 2 and 3 waiting.
Around the Blogosphere and other bookish news:
- Check out the Random House Giveaway Opportunity: Summer Bundle
- The Guardian Books: A discussion on Self-publishing (Self-publishing is not revolutionary but reactionary)
- Foyles Book Shop - how do you move 500.000 books
Added to my stash
Received for review:
Fallen on Good Times by Rewan Tremethick
This is what I'm planning next week for my blog
This is the House by Deborah Hill (Kingsland Series book 1)
Language Learning:
German complete revision guide BBC Bite size
Thinner by Stephen King
Atonement by Ian McEwan
Memes / Features:
- Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish: Top 10 books I've read so far this year
- Feature and Follow hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read: Armchair Travel! Tell us about your favorite book in a setting you’d like to visit (a real place for this question)
- The Coroner's Officer: What kind of deaths get reported to the Coroner's Office
Sunday Post Meme