
14 February 2014

Book Blogger Hop 14 February - 20 February

Book Blogger Hop

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted Coffee Addicted Writer. 
Every week a different question is posted for you to answer. Come in and join us.

This is how it works:

1. Answer the question on your blog

2. Go to Coffee Addicted Writer and put your link to your post on the Linky list.

3. Now have a look at the other blogs who have posted their links. Maybe comment on their answers (on their blogs), spend some time on their blogs and maybe join / become a member.

Perfect way really to get to know other bloggers :) I love this meme because it is so simple.

Here is today's question:

How do you handle unsolicited books that appear in your mailbox? Do you add them to your queue? Do you write to the sender and explain you didn't ask for the book and are not sure when you will be able to read and review the book? Or do you simply not read the book at all?

And my answer:

I'm a very new book blogger. Saying this, I've been blogging for a while, but in January 2014 decided to concentrate on my love for books. Therefore, so far, I did not have any unsolicited books.  At the moment, I would be quite happy to review (as it means that I get more well known as a book reviewer). I work on a first come, first served basis.  I also quite enjoy the different variety of books I have received so far - books I probably would not have considered previously. But, in only 6 weeks as a book reviewer, I can already see that one has to apply a certain limit (?how - only certain genres, certain authors, certain publishers?). I've already got quite a few books to review and while so far I've enjoyed all of them and also enjoyed my communication with the authors ( I guess I was lucky so far), clearly if I happen to get several ones a day, I can't read them all. Let's wait and see for the moment, and I will be really really curious to see what the others, much more experienced reviewers, are saying on this questions. 

Happy reading everyone!